Telescopic Bleachers Maintainance Tips

The stand form of the stadium should provide seats with high visual quality for the audience, VIPs and reporters as much as possible. Regarding the standard of the stands, the number of consecutive seats, the requirements for the rostrum, seats for the disabled, commentators and reporters, the design of the entrances and exits of the stands and the sight line shall comply with the relevant regulations on the stands. According to different architectural forms and different audience sizes, audience stands have different plane types. There are two types of seats in the auditorium: seats with backrests and benches with backrests and backrests.

Sports venue seat experts suggest that during the use of leisure seats, mastering the correct use and maintenance knowledge will not only make the leisure chair look clean and new, but also prolong the service life of the leisure chair.

Use environment requirements

All kinds of leisure chairs, especially wooden leisure chairs, require the room to maintain a certain temperature and relative humidity during use. Indoor leisure chairs should maintain a certain degree of ventilation, and should also avoid direct sunlight, so as not to cause surface discoloration, luster or cracking and deformation. If the air conditioner is used indoors, the relative humidity should be kept at about 60%. If possible, some flowers and plants or ornamental fish can be planted indoors to appropriately increase the indoor humidity.

Regular maintenance

The paint film coating on the surface of the leisure chair not only plays the role of decoration and beautification, but more importantly, it protects the surface of the leisure seat, so the paint film on the surface of the leisure seat should be polished and cleaned regularly. And clean up the dust and dirt in time.


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